Friday, July 27, 2007

Happy Birthday Mike

Today is my little brother's birthday, HEY MIKE! Happy Birthday!!!

There isn't much exciting going on here. After last week and all the activity, this is nice. I took care of the Glen Allen Three yesterday for mom to go on a grocery run, and other than Yoga class, have been pretty close to home.
The Knitter met to dye with more natural stuff and have a pot-luck lunch. We had more luck with lunch that the stuff in the pots brewing! We tried blackberries, and though the color was acceptable, I'd have liked them better cooked up in Mom's cobbler! LOL.

Eric had his dental surgery on Wednesday, and if recovering well. Just a tiny bit of swelling, but no pain at all. I'm amazed at what they can do. The verdict is still not in on whether the loose tooth can be saved; it might have a fracture in it. So, time is needed here and until later, he just heals and carries on.

Neither of us have been upstairs working on train scenery, though it is time for me to start working on the third panel of a series of four going up on to the left of the window, along the side of the rail yard. So far, I have in a Creamery and Ice House, and in the distance homes and hillsides. I'd like to do cows (lol) but am not sure I can pull that off.

We've had a bit of rain, but still not enough. This weekend though we have a prediction of two days of possible showers. Hopefully that will happen.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Jake is 5 Months Old

Here is a group of pictures of Jake taken this week - he turned 5 months old on Wednesday. Jake spent every morning with us while the others went to church for Avalanche Ranch - VBS, Z and M had breakfast each morning before going off.

Camp Nana

Be sure to watch for the surprise ending to the video!

Friday, July 06, 2007


Last year I planted parsley for us to use in cooking. The swallowtail caterpillars dined on it and we didn't, at least not until late in the season when they were gone. This year, I planted again, and they came again, only this time, they have not left anything to speak of, if there is a second crop it will be a miracle.