Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Eve

Image hosted by Photobucket.comGreeting to all family and friends who happen by today. I hope everyone is settled in for a nice Christmas Eve in front of their cozy fireplace, or in their favorite chair having a spot of tea and some Christmas cookies! My blogging lately has been minimal non-existent and I apologize!

The last few days we have made Christmas cookies, cleaned the house from top to bottom and done the usual last minute shopping. Eric and I put a moratorium on buying Christmas "stuff" several weeks ago. Ho Ho Ho! We added a wreath for the front door the weekend his mom was here, and this past week, window swags on the three front dining room windows. My first attempt there was a bit anemic, so I even went out and got more to add to it. Sigh. Well, the prices were too good to be true and it seems the stores here are determined to have Christmas well sold out by this time of the year. After Christmas sales will be dregs only. So, we added greenery here and there, and a few more figurines to our houses.

Seaside LagoonThe kids have really enjoyed the Christmas houses. We have them set up in three main locations. The buffet in the dining room, on the mantle, and a seaside village on the bar between the kitchen and dining room. The seaport has been the most visited and admired. Seems Zack thinks the boats need to sail around some each time he visits. Silly also sits in the lagoon, how she manages to not knock over boats is a mystery. Maddie prefers the "baby" in the baby carriage and likes to move things around. They both come in the door wanting to turn on the lights, day or night, the lights must go on. Eric did a wonderful job wiring up all the bits and linking them together, so this year some locations only have one switch! How nice.

We made three kinds of cookies, Chocolate Chips, Pecan Sandies, and Candy Canes. All are yummy, and way more cookies than we need. I made two batches of trash, and Becky took some of that home.


Sally said...

Your decorations sound really neat! I like the looks of your seaside village, really great. I figure the ways of cats are beyond understanding--Mickey and Meggie often manage to get into places without knocking things over, that you would swear they couldn't. Go figure!

Anonymous said...

You have made a lovely home! Wish I could drop by for a cookie you and the little elves made. Merry Christmas and I'm wishing that ONLY more good things come your way in 2006!