Friday, August 17, 2007


Not much new is happening here on the home front. We are coming up on two years in the house, and it seems like we have been here forever. I have to really think back to remember life about AKK.

This week we had two events that made us thankful we are no longer on the boat. Yesterday afternoon we got a phone call from the man who bought the boat. He was having battery problems and issues with the AC pump. Eric talked with him quite awhile about both, but when he hung up, he and I both said, isn't in nice that is not our problem anymore! Then last night we had a terrific thunderstorm. It lasted (the lightening) well over 5 hours. Being aboard would have been loud and a worry, with that much lightening and the tall mast! We did lose power for about 6 hours, but it really wasn't an inconvenience, we finally just went to bed. The biggest problem (for me personally) was I couldn't finish the Harry Potter book as I had planned. Candle power just wasn't really strong enough to read by.

We got the house pressure washed (part of the provided maintenance) a few weeks ago and that was nice to have everything looking clean and shiny again. The storm blew lots of leaves an limbs into the yard, and we are still uncertain if they will come and pick them up or we will have to. Maybe tomorrow we can find that out. I hate to throw them into the wetland. My compost pile may have washed away, or else it is very compacted. I need to get down there with a rake and see if it is still there, or it floated off.

Well, nothing new under the sun here. Even with 2-4 inches of rain, we are still dry here.

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