Sunday, January 22, 2006

Blog update

If you notice in the family section of the sidebar, there is a new button for Anne's Blog. No longer is the blog named the Daily Drudge, it now has a new more apropo title .... One Day At A Time. So, if you didn't notice, now you know .....
Also, I am very remiss in wishing my # One son, Russell, a Happy 30th Birthday on the blog. I am sure he would know a way to have the blog sing Happy Birthday, but I will have to settle with this

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He, Amy and friends went out for Sushi, his favorite! I hope they had a wonderful time. It's hard for me to believe he is 30 already, as Sally said, there must be a time warp, because I don't feel that old! Seems like only yesterday he was born. Happy Birthday again!!

Dad and Nurse Skyler

1 comment:

Sally said...

Wow Jo, so many cute things! I love the little garden gate, with puppy, duck, etc! The Happy Birthday banner is neat too. You come up with the neatest things!