Thursday, August 31, 2006

Good news got even better!

We had rain overnight, at least one half of an inch! The gully washer we had Saturday night was not nearly as nice a rain as this shower. It seemed to be gentle and steady, which is very good news. Ernesto is scheduled to make an appearance here today and tomorrow, with up to 4 inches of rain and maybe more. Even that would be good.

But the best news of the day is that the sheetrock men showed up (What a relief) as scheduled, and they had 25 sheets of sheetrock already on the truck and tucked nicely inside of a big blue tarp. Better yet, the rain had stopped! The men got all that load upstairs through the window (which I missed seeing) and have now gone back for a second load. The plan is that these two loads will give them enough to work on today and tomorrow, and then they can decide exactlly how much more (if any) they need. Those sheets will be cut downstairs and brought up the stairs. So far (it's almost noon) the rain is holding off.

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